Discover anyone's social media profiles in seconds

Candidate Checker is designed for busy founders and HR teams.
Make better hiring decisions and streamline your recruitment research

Type the nickname or username of your candidate

Candidate checker crawls the web to find social media profiles and communities

Find out whether applicants are active on Github, Behance, Reddit, and over 400 other networks in seconds.

Background checks for the social media age

Are your job applicants active on Github or Instagram? Are they moonlighting on Fiverr or Do they have an OnlyFans profile you need to be aware of?

Candidate checker is a web hiring tool that helps you find the social media and community profiles of anyone in seconds. It's designed for busy founders and HR teams to expedite the time-consuming candidate research process.

Save hours a month researching what job applicants don’t include on their CV

Researching and screening job applicants is time-consuming. With candidate checkr, you can perform in-depth checks across over 400 communities and social networks to find out more about what makes candidates tick, including what they get up to outside of work and where they spend their online time.